This book has been written as a guide for everyone involved with honey shows, be it organising, exhibiting or judging.
David is able to give practical, sound and detailed advice to those who wish to gain prizes at honey shows and how they can avoid the pitfalls, though often small, which can make the difference between success and failure.
An essential addition to any exhibitor’s or event tool box, this 72 page guide helps you bring home the ribbon.
Guidelines and General Considerations, Liquid Honey, Crystalized Honey, Comb Honey, Cut Comb Honey, Chunk Honey, Bulk Frames of Honey, Beeswax, Observation HIves, Novelties, Beekeepers' Gadgets, Mead (Honey Wine), Baked Goods and Candy, Government and Grading Honey and Beeswax, Addenda and Anecdotes, Index.
Download this presentation by Dr. Fred Baxendale of the Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, on judging apiary products.
A polariscope, according to the Random House Dictionary is: “an instrument for measuring or exhibiting the polarization of light or for examining substances in polarized light, often to determine stress and strain in glass and other substances.”
Includes things to see in a honey jar using a polariscope, constructing a polariscope, and artwork created using a polariscope.
By Robert N. Brewer Jr., The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service
The video is a showcase of the honey judging experience with some commentary from Tim provided.
Video on honey Judging in the Welsh inspired system.