Throughout the United States there are a few training and certification programs for honey show judges and some include training of other honey show officials such as stewards and show secretaries. Listed below is general information about several programs that we are aware of along with links to each program.

Judge Certification Program
Judge Certification Program


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THE AL Program is inactive at this time. In 2018 the Alabama Master Beekeeper Symposium offered the Alabama Welsh Honey Judge training and certifications in conjunction with the Young Harris-UGA Beekeeping Institute.  The inaugural class of Alabama certified Welsh Honey Judges graduated in 2019.


Florida hosts the biannual University of Florida (UF), Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (IFAS), Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab (HBREL) Bee College which includes the Florida Honey Judge Program training and certification program. Participants learn the art and science of judging honey, candles, mead, and more using judging traditions initially developed in the U.K.


Georgia is home to the annual Young Harris College-UGA Beekeeping Institute.  Since 2001, the Beekeeping Institute has offered training and certifications for honey show judges in the American based Welsh honey judging system.  The Georgia Welsh Honey Judge program is administered and credentialed through the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Honeybee Program.


The Maryland State Apiary Inspector's Office and Maryland State Beekeepers Association offers training and certification to beekeepers aspiring to become honey judges.  The program utilizes a hand-on apprentice-style approach to training judges. 


The Ohio State Beekeepers Association offers courses in Basic Honey Judge Training as well as an Advanced Honey Judge Training.  The Ohio program does not currently offer a formal certification.

South Carolina

SC started a SC Welsh Honey Judging Academy in 2020 utilizing the American based Welsh honey show judging system. Training will be offered in conjunction with their Spring and Summer meetings.

Books on Judge Training