Honey Tasting is an emerging art that includes skills in distinguishing various aromas and flavors in honey, tasting honey, sensory analysis of honey and more.
Good raw honey is practically a different product from the "Grade A Amber" plastic bears that line supermarket shelves. The latter is accumulated from thousands of colonies, then boiled down until all its dynamic flavors are distilled to one word: sweet. But the raw stuff, harvested at peak season and bottled without a lick of heat? That honey is liquid gold.
Honey Flavor and Aroma Wheel
Honey Aroma and Tasting Wheel Available from the American Honey Tasting Society, Weston, CT.
Honey Flavor Wheel Available from the UC-Davis Honey and Pollination Center, Davis, CA.
Classes & Organizations
Honey and Pollination Center, UC-Davis, CA.
American Honey Tasting Society, Weston, CT.
Honey Sensory Analysis Course, Clases held in English but held in Italy
Italian National Register of the Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey
From honey experts C. Marina Marchese, founder of Red Bee ® Honey and Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture Magazine comes this comprehensive introduction to the origin, flavor, and culinary uses of more than 30 varietals of honey, from ubiquitous clover to tangy star thistle to rich, smoky buckwheat.
A Taste of Honey is a fact-filled guide to honey and bees with a comprehensive glossary of 40 varietal honeys and over 60 fresh and easy recipes, both savory and sweet, using these honeys.
In The Backyard Beekeeper’s Honey Handbook, seasoned expert, Kim Flottum explains the process of moving honey from beehive to honey house and how to reveal and extract it so none of the finer aromas, tastes, or colors are bruised, burned, or broken.
Other Resources
Thanks to the North Carolina Beekeepers Association for organizing much of this information on their website.