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VA: Workshop. Preparing, Exhibiting, & Judging Bee Produce for the Honey Show Bench

This workshop will focus on preparing exhibits for a competitive honey show and an introduction to judging and stewarding. Workshop Presenters confirmed include experienced honey show judges: Michael Young, MBE, Institute of Northern Ireland Beekeepers, Bob Wellemeyer, Windsong Apiary and former VDACS regional inspector, Jennifer Holmes and Kaija Hurd-Parks, Hani Honey Company, George H. Wilson III, ApiSolutions Consortium and Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS) Honey Show Advisory Committee Chair, and Karla Eisen ApiSolutions Consortium and The Backyard Farm

Date: Saturday, March 14th 9:30 - 6:00
Location: Delaplane, VA (NW Fauquier County)
Cost: $35.00 per person (includes lunch and handouts)
Lodging: Airbnb in Delaplane or Upperville, VA or hotels in Front Royal or Warrenton, VA

Register: Email or call (703) 314-8530

Virginia Beekeepers given first preference for registration up until January 30, 2020