Education and support for processing, packaging, and marketing quality honey and hive products, participating in honey shows, and judging honey and hive products.
Photo Credit: Kieran Harnett
We honor the expert craftsmen and women who have graciously shared their knowledge and allowed us to work and learn beside them.
Tips & Tricks
The most important thing you can do when entering a honey show is to read the show schedule and rules. Check out our list of helpful resources!
Honey shows, honey judge training, & more! We appreciate your efforts in promoting the craft and look forward to seeing your product on the show bench! See the Events page for all upcoming events.
Recent Resources
Senior Honey Judge Jennifer Holmes introduces you to the most common classes in a honey show (It's way more than honey!) and will give you expert tips for preparing your best entries for the next UF/IFAS Bee College Honey Show.
The Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS) selected resources to help you prepare to enter a honey show.
Bianca B. demonstrates how to make healing elixirs with elderberries, honey and garlic for you & your honey. Soothe your soul & nourish what ails you with these delightful concoctions!
As part of a series on enhancing the safety of locally prepared foods, this bulletin describes what one needs to now about selling honey at a farmers market in Virginia.
Honey Crystallization & Defects with Marina Marchese, founder of the American Honey Tasting Society
Methods to collect and use propolis and pollen with Petra Ahnert, author of Beeswax Alchemy and Beehive Alchemy.
Honey- from harvest to the honey show bench. With Jennifer Holmes of the Hani Honey Company. Co-Sponsored with Virginia State Beekeepers Association (VSBA), Virginia Tech Entomology and the Apisolutions Consortium
How to clean and melt wax, make candles and more With Jennifer Holmes of the Hani Honey Company. Co-Sponsored with Virginia State Beekeepers Association (VSBA), Virginia Tech Entomology and the Apisolutions Consortium